Transfer market Rome, Milan pressing on Zaniolo: 65 million to convince the Giallorossi

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ROME MILAN ZANIOLO – In these first days of the transfer market, the Roma she immediately became one of the most active protagonists both incoming and outgoing. Beyond Mkhitaryanin fact, another name that could be sacrificed on the market to make cash is that of Nicolò Zaniolo. The Giallorossi talent, according to the latest rumors, would not be in the list of non-transferable and for this reason the Milan she set her sights on him.

He treated her for Zaniolo

The new Milan license plate RedBird he wants to set the Rossoneri square on fire right from the start with an important purchase. According to the Gazzetta dello Sport, the fresh club winner of the last championship would be on the trail of Nicolò Zaniolo even if the negotiation turns out to be uphill. The renewal of the player’s contract, expiring in 2024, is topical a Roma for some time but the Rossoneri are ready to join in case of no agreement. The Giallorossi company values ​​the player 65 million and would prefer them cash. On the other hand, Milan is not willing to offer over forty, indeed, it would seem that this figure can even be discounted to 25 with the inclusion of a technical counterpart. The latter, after the attempt with Saelemaekers which did not convince Tiago Pintonow provides for the insertion of Rebic.


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