Toyota renews its commitment to the Olympic Games for Paris 2024

Toyota will be an official sponsor of the Paris Olympic Games to be held in 2024, as it was already in Tokyo 2020, held in 2021, with the goal of emission-neutral mobility. Toyota Spain will continue to have its elite team made up of Carolina Marín and Nico Shera and Eva Moral and Martin de la Puente in the Paralympics.

Toyota has been supporting the Olympic Games since 2015 as a commitment to the future to promulgate the values ​​of effort and overcoming to meet the challenges that one sets. After full support for the Tokyo Olympics, which were to be held in 2020 but were finally delayed until 2021 due to the pandemic, Toyota now renews its commitment to the International Olympic Committee to be sponsor of the 2024 Paris Olympics and also of the Paralympic Games.

It was a project launched in 2019 to support the four elite athletes, accompany them in their challenges, help them overcome their challenges and achieve their goals. The union between Toyota Spain and the Toyota Team allows the company to value its commitment to sport and its valuessuch as teamwork, effort, self-improvement and perseverance, principles with which Toyota identifies.

Undoubtedly, this renewal is great news that shows how important it is for large companies, not only to make good products and sell a lot, but also to give back to society part of what they have achieved with their business. Perhaps the key aspect of this sponsorship of the Olympic Games in Paris lies in the commitment of a emission neutral mobility throughout the sporting event. To do this, the Japanese brand has a wide range of vehicles that reaches 100% battery electric and hydrogen models.

Spanish team

Beyond Toyota’s total commitment to sport worldwide, Spain is also making a great contribution to sport in every way. It maintains its sponsorship of the basketball league and also its unconditional support for Spanish Olympic and Paralympic sports. To do this, since 2019 it has maintained a team made up of four great athletes, Carolina Marín, Eva Moral, Nico Shera and Martín de la Puente.

For the Olympic Games, the bet for Paris is once again the same as in Tokyo, with Carolina Marín looking for a medal in the specialty of badminton. In Tokyo, an unfortunate knee injury left the athlete out of the Olympics. But once she has recovered, she has just won the European championship and her progression is incredible, she will be in Paris fighting for that medal.

Another great one is Judoka Nico Shera that in Tokyo he had to settle for an Olympic diploma, for being integrated into a category that was not his, that of 90 kilos. For the next event in Paris, the judoka has chosen to participate in the 100 kilo category, the one that corresponds to him.

Miguel Carsi, president of Toyota Spain, together with the heads of the Spanish Olympic committees during the presentation in Madrid.

But without a doubt the greatest exponents of Toyota’s commitment to sport are the two participants in the Paralympic Games in Paris, who already participated in Tokyo 2021. They are Eva Moral and Martín de la Puente. The first of them, Eva, participates in the Paralympic triathlon specialty, a really complicated specialty that puts her physical abilities to the limit. Eva is a woman who has always dedicated her life to sports, she was a top level triathlete but one day she suffered a serious accident when she was training. The result, many months in the Toledo hospital, which for other athletes would have been the end of her. But Eva recovered from all the adversities and she began to compete doing the same thing she did before, but adapted to her new physical situation and thus she began to compete in the Paralympic triathlon.

Example of overcoming

After the dispute of the Paralympic Games in Tokyo, in which Eva won the bronze medal, she decided that it was time to be a mother and right now she is about to come out of accounts. Another of his great challenges in life. In addition to overcoming his situation of not being able to move his legs, participating at a world level in one of the sport’s toughest experiencesShe also now faces a new challenge, being a mother. But her spirit of overcoming seems really unstoppable.

You just have to see her smile to bring tears to your eyes. That attitude should make us all think when we suffer with the problems we have, that there are people like Eva capable of getting ahead of whatever comes their way, always and whatever it may be.

Also Martín de la Puente, the fourth member of the Spanish Toyota team for the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris, is also an example of life and improvement. He was a very athletic young man who one day saw his career cut short by a serious illness. But he was not satisfied with staying in his wheelchair and put all his efforts into continuing to play sports in this new physical situation. His decision led him to chair tennisa specialty that he now masters to perfection.

dedicated to sport

It is incredible to see Martín with the knife between his teeth disputing each point of a game to the death, but as soon as he completes that point, whether winning or losing, his mouth fills with a truly enviable smile.

Martin travels to dispute Roland Garros with his wheelchair. For the tournament there are a hundred participants each year, but in the case of the chair tennis version there are only 12 invited to participate in this prestigious championship. This is the first time that Martin participates, and he is in high spirits.

All companies look for shares of corporate social responsibility but without a doubt the wisdom of fully supporting sport in all its specialties, Olympic and Paralympic sport, is the best scenario for a responsible and supportive brand such as Toyota.



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