Tour of Colombia: the winner of the stage hits his wife at the finish

The taste of victory has rarely been so bitter. Luis Carlos Chia was overjoyed at winning stage 3 between Sincelejo and Monteria of the Tour of Colombia, currently being held in the South American country, when he crashed into his own wife just after the finish line !

Challenging images filmed by Colombian television. A sad accident occurred even though the finish of the stage was held under an impressive deluge, causing several crashes in the final on the part of the riders. The sprint was also held in the middle of a real swimming pool.

On the images of local television, we see the wife of the cyclist completely stunned after an impressive shock! But according to a follower of the benchmark event in Latin America, the young woman is doing better. “Luis Carlos Chía’s wife is fine. She is conscious. They sewed her four stitches and she will be under observation for a few hours to see the evolution after the blow”, explained the seasoned observer. Luis Carlos Chia was able to get up quickly and even took part in the podium, after his victory in the sprint.

This is not the first time that this kind of recklessness has affected the Colombian “Vuelta”, which some local journalists strongly criticize this Sunday evening.


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