Thibaut Courtois has astonishing Champions League win immortalized with tattoo | Time-out

Thibaut Courtois has immortalized the most important prize in a club context. The Real Madrid goalkeeper, who was unbeatable in the Champions League final against Liverpool on May 28, 2022, had the memory tattooed on his left forearm. A wall in goal (referring to his nickname ‘El Muro’), the letters ‘TC1’ and the trophy are now contained forever. “Thank you for the great work,” Courtois wrote on his latest acquisition.

It’s not Courtois’ first tattoo. Our national number one has a giraffe on the other arm. Fiance Mishel Gerzig explained this in an earlier interview. “It’s his nickname. They’ve called him that since he was little, just like ‘El Muro’. As a result, he recently had a giraffe tattoo done.” Courtois also has some spells on his arms. (you can see some of these tattoos in the Instagram post below).

Courtois was really unbeatable against Liverpool. He made nine saves. Since 2004, not a single goalkeeper has made more saves in a Champions League final. And there were some gems. He made a fantastic save on a kick by Mané and swift and perhaps even better on a shot from close range by Salah.

After the highest sporting success at the club, Courtois is now enjoying an unforgettable month on a private level. On the side of Gerzig in the most beautiful Southern European settings. Paris, Brussels, Madrid, the Amalfi Coast, Mykonos, Eilat, Ibiza and also a wedding of his teammate Dani Carvajal in Ayllon, Spain.

Also watch. Courtois was so important to Real Madrid in the final

Also read.

The ‘Tour de Thibaut’: Courtois and girlfriend Mishel Gerzig steal the show at teammate Carvajal’s wedding


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