The final Giocosport party is staged – Chronicle

Giocosport, last two stages for the Coni project. The technical staff led by Pablo Ausili (technical coordinator), Vittorio Cucurnia (provincial delegate) and Alda Mannini (office official), ready to the delight of primary school pupils. Tomorrow, Monday, it will be Massa’s turn at the via Oliveti field with the fifth classes and on 9 June all in Montignoso at Renella. “The project – said Ausili – made it possible to promote sport from September until the end of the school year thanks to the financing of the municipalities of Massa, Carrara and Montignoso. I thank all the experts who collaborated and committed themselves during the year. at school and at parties by entertaining children and allowing them to discover new activities. The children involved in Carrara were about 3000 and over a thousand will animate the next two stages “. Alda Mannini shares the same opinion: “The Giocosport experts have brought a breath of joy and sociability, making children rediscover the beauty of playing together”.

Tomorrow’s program, from 8.15 to 12, is the following. After the usual parade of schools with their banners and Mameli anthem, the classes with teachers and Coni experts will compete in four rotations of different sports disciplines with final awards and group dances. In Campo Romagnano, Mirteto, Alteta, Bresciani, Bagaglione, Rinchiostra, Ronchi, Volpigliano, Castagnetola, Ortola, Bondano, Casone, Marina via Fiume and Villette B. This multidisciplinary day will see the students try their hand at tennis, chess, football, basketball, athletics (running, long jump, throwing), cycling, fencing, dance (two stations), volleyball, gymnastics, baseball, rugby, dogeball.

A special thanks from the provincial Coni to the technicians of the Apuan associations always in the field for Giocosport: Lucia Quattrocchi, Luca Bolognini, Gherardo Strano, Chiara Cacciatori, Vincenzo Riviezzo, Filippo Bardini, Giorgia Mazzi, Gianni Tempesti, Paolo Conserva, Elena Conserva, Erika De Van, Vittoria Bertelloni, Valeria Minieri, Marilena Minieri, Jessica Arcolini, Iryna Pliachenko, Luana Righetti, Silvia Angelini, Valentina Campoli, Martina Sillicani, Francesca Manfredi, Jessica Nista, Agata Zuccarelli, Arturo Zuccarelli, Francesco Mad Affari, Leonardo Figlieri, Veronica Volpi, Isabella Panzera, Chiara Giannotti, Luisa Ercolini and Giulia Vatteroni. Thanks also to the local clubs: Rotellistica Apuana, Velo Club, My Ritmics, Carrara tennis club, Fidal, Municipal police tennis club, Apuan fencing club, Wkt Carrara, Asd Afaph, Nautical tennis club club, Fsi chess federation, Lucia Bianchi H2 Project, Asd Polisportiva Apuana Carrara.

Vittoria Bertelloni


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