The fifth date of the local championship was played • Diario Democracia

The fifth date of the official women’s basketball championship of the Juninense Basketball Association, called “Unnoba 20 years”, was played this weekend. Detail:


Arg.J. G Cavul P
Cyclist P Porteño G
Sp. Rojas G Moreno BP
S. Martin P Arg. Ch. G
Los Indios G Arg. Ch.P

U 15

Sp. Rojas 52 Moreno B 22
Arg. J. 32 The Linqueño 28
Cyclist 57 Porteño 28

U 18

Sp. Rojas 31 Moreno B. 51
Cyclist 45 Porteño 66
Cyclist 90 Porteño 14

seventh date
Domingo 5

El Linqueño vs Ciclista (U 15 at 11.30)
CAVUL vs Cyclist (mini at 11)
Argentino Ch. vs Argentino J (mini; U 15; U 18 and older from 10.30)
Moreno B. vs. Los Indios (mini at 11)
Moreno B. vs. San Martin (mini at 13)
At. July 9 vs. Sp. Rojas (11.30 mini, 13 U15 and 14.30 U18).


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