Sports Week kicks off in Rho – Chronicle

Sports capital for a week, from today to Sunday 19 June. Seven days of events with 3 thousand athletes and 53 appointments. Sport to see, but also to try. For everyone, without barriers. It is the Sports Week organized by the Municipality of Rho in collaboration with six sponsors. “We are preparing to live a week in which sport will be the protagonist in the city – declares the councilor for Sport Alessandra Borghetti -. We have developed a very rich calendar, really designed for everyone: for professionals who will be able to test and for whom he wants to try his hand at new disciplines. Lots of proposals really for everyone, since for us sport is first of all inclusion, but also fun and the desire to be together “. It starts this evening at 6.30 pm at the Molinello Play Village. On Tuesday at the RhoCenter in via Capuana a ring will be set up where a Ring Roosters boxing match will be held, alternating with dance performances; Wednesday 15 June the Rho Night Run; on Thursday the rhythmic gymnastics exhibition in Piazza Jannacci. For those who want to test themselves on Thursday 16 from 18 to 19 you can practice Disc Golf at the Europa park, a new discipline with throwing the Frisbee into the hole. Saturday 18 June, in the morning, baptism of the saddle at the riding school in via Leopardi in Villa Scheibler; open day of archery and open rugby at Molinello Play Village. The Week of Sport is included, with the Baskin competition, a discipline that sees able-bodied athletes playing with athletes with disabilities.

Roberta Rampini


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