Ruggeri recalled the day he ran into Codesal in Mexico: the news about the referee of the Italia 90 final that caused him outrage

El Cabezón recalled once again the controversies of the final of Italy 90 ‘against Germany

Time continues to pass since that World Cup final organized in Italia in 1990 and the wounds still haven’t healed. The meeting they staged Argentina y Germany had a main protagonist outside the footballers: the referee Edgardo Codesal. the mexican judge deprived the Selection to embroider his third star on the shield due to his controversial decisions that allowed the German team to keep the throne by winning by the minimum difference thanks to a controversial penalty executed by Andreas Brehme.

Oscar Ruggeri once again recalled said duel and recounted the occasion in which he crossed paths with Codesal. “I already told them once and they suspended me. I grabbed him, it was the director of referees. The barbarities I told him… He didn’t answer me and he laughed at me. He gave me like three, four games. I found him in a doping. I walked into the room and he was in there. I told him: ‘Look who I come to meet. What a mess you got us dad. I can’t believe you’re still walking like nothing’”recalled the pigheaded in ESPN F90 where he is a panelist.

A discussion then began in which Sensini’s infraction on Rudi Voeller. “Just a guy who threw himself well took the ball. He did it well, Ortega type. You saw that Ortega threw himself well. Besides he took it out and with the right. I will never let it go, because the World Cup was there. Calderón’s was one meter away from Codesal”, lamented the former defender of the Argentine national team.

The former defender of the Argentine national team sent an audio to the referee

After reviewing the two plays that marked the final, Sebastián Vingolo revealed that the Mexican referee “does not speak to Argentine television.” Furious, Ruggeri questioned the decision: “Oh, why? If you could calmly… You don’t want to talk to us? Talk to Mariano. Why doesn’t he talk to Argentine television? If I’m right and I’m convinced, I sit down and tell you: ‘Let’s see, Mr Closs, what do you want to know? Let’s see the plays and I’ll explain.’ Clever”.

The host of the program took his cell phone and approached Oscar so that he could send a WhatsApp audio to Codesal. “It was your invention. Above now that we are looking at it, you say ‘up’. less up. You don’t even know what happened. You really let me down, bad. Because it was not just any party. It was the world final with the cup there on the pitch”declared the pigheaded before he found out it was a joke that he Pollo He mounted him to unload in front of the cameras.



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