[Rigid Baseball Club]94th Selected High School Baseball Tournament Winners Report Meeting | Osaka Sangyo University

[Rigid Baseball Club]94th Selected High School Baseball Tournament Winners Report Meeting

Osaka Toin High School High School

Posted: 2022.6.7

The championship debriefing session of the Osaka Toin High School Baseball Club, which won the 94th Selected High School Baseball Tournament, was held on April 6, 4th (Wednesday) at Reiwa Arena.

The venue was filled with applause when the players of the Osaka Toin High School baseball club, who had the championship flag in their hands, entered the venue, led by Director Nishitani.

In the opening remarks, Captain Hoshiko thanked all the students, saying, “Thanks to the support of everyone around me, I achieved the number one in Japan for the first time in four years.” It was exciting.

Not to mention the efforts of the players, it was a wonderful victory debriefing session that made us feel that it was a victory that we won together with the students who support us.