Rafael Nadal confessed that he was one step away from retiring before Wimbledon 2022: “I was close to that” | Tennis | RMMD | Spain is | SPORT-TOTAL

Rafael Nadal surprised the attendees at the press conference and, of course, the tennis fans with the revelation he made this Thursday. After overcoming a new round at Wimbledon (he beat Ricardas Berankis), the Spaniard said that two weeks ago he was close to retiring from tennis due to a foot problem.

“A couple of weeks ago I was close to that, now I don’t feel like that anymore”, said the 36-year-old tennis player, when questioned about the withdrawal of veteran athletes like him. ‘Rafa’ hinted that the physical problem that afflicts him is already under control and that is why he reached the third Grand Slam of the year.

That yes, the ‘Fiera’ admitted that he does not fear that the day will come when he has to complete his path in this sport. “That day has never scared me, I think I am happy that I had a very happy life beyond tennis, even if tennis is a very important part of my life in the last 30 years.assured.

Along the same lines, Nadal commented that, after the scare he had a few days ago, he takes everything related to his future calmly. “So that doesn’t worry me, but of course when that day comes it will be a change and all changes in life take time and you have to adapt to them”he claimed.

The Mallorcan suffers from the so-called Müller-Weis syndrome in his left foot, a rare and degenerative disease that can cause chronic pain or even osteoarthritis. He won his 14th Roland Garros title using anesthetic nerve injections to numb his foot. But after performing this feat, which involves risks, he said he does not want to continue playing like this until he finds a solution.

A spokesman reported three weeks ago that he was subjected to a “pulsed radio frequency treatment on the different nerves involved in the area of ​​the injury you are suffering from”.

The goal was “deactivate” the nerve, with less intensity than with anesthesia, but longer lasting, which could help “reduce the sensation of permanent pain in the foot”.

“It is normal for people to talk about the withdrawal of great athletes,” said Nadal. “Somehow the athletes who have been there for so long, at the top of their game and even more so in very popular sports, become a part of so many people’s lives.”he stated referring to his own idols, such as golfer Tiger Woods, and willing to continue on the tracks.


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