Premier League Schedule Leaked, Fierce Duel Happened in the Early Weeks


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BOLASPORT.COM – The 2022-2023 Premier League schedule was found to be leaked on social media before it was officially released.

The 2021-2022 Premier League has ended and the 2022 summer transfer window has also opened.

A number of preparations from clubs to build squads in the 2022-2023 Premier League are also widely circulated.

The Premier League organizers are no exception, who are preparing a schedule for the 2022-2023 season.

The schedule for the 2022-2023 Premier League is planned to be announced on Thursday (16/6/2022) local time.

However, three days before its official release, reported from the Daily Mail that the match schedule was leaked until the 8th week in September 2022.

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The inaugural week of the 2022-2023 Premier League will officially start playing on August 6, 2022.

In the leaks circulating, the first week there were no big matches that brought together the teams The Big Six such as Arsenal, Man City, Man United, Chelsea, Liverpool, and Tottenham Hotspur.


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