Pasoepati is ready to escort Kaesang forward to become PSSI chairman

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

DPP President PasoepatiMaryadi Suryadharma or known as Maryadi Gondrong supports Kaesang Pangarep so PSSI general chairman.

For Maryadi, the son of President Joko Widodo meets the requirements to run as PSSI General Chair, not a matter. The problem is if you do not meet the requirements but are forced to pass the selection.

“One of the requirements to become chairman [PSSI] do you have a club? [tepatnya, aktif mengurus sepak bola sekurangnya lima tahun] right. It’s legal,” said Maryadi to, Tuesday (14/6).

“We hope that Mas Kaesang’s joke will come true. We are ready to escort him to become the General Chair of PSSI and pray for the achievements of the Indonesian national team to be victorious again,” said Maryadi.

Referring to the previous PSSI election congress, Kaesang did not quite meet the requirements. First, Kaesang is only 27 years old, while the minimum age requirement for PSSI General Chair candidates is 30 years.

Second, Kaesang has only managed Persis in 2021. Before that it was not known for certain whether Kaesang had ever been actively involved in a football club that was registered as a member of PSSI.

[Gambas:Video CNN]

However, it is not impossible that there will be changes to the terms of the candidates. Later PSSI will form an Election Committee in the 2023 PSSI Congress to arrange election preparations.

The election of the PSSI General Chair will take place in 2023. Currently the position of PSSI’s number one person is held by Mochamad Iriawan after winning with an absolute vote in November 2019.

Iriawan’s term will end next year. Usually, the timing and stages of the PSSI general election will be patented at the annual congress which takes place at the beginning of the year.

The name Kaesang entered the stock exchange for the candidate for PSSI General Chair after giving two reactions to the question of citizens or netizens. This was taken seriously by netizens, even though it seemed like it was just a joke.


[Gambas:Video CNN]


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