More than 300 athletes will meet in Jaca in the Absolute Judo Cup of Spain – Jaca

The days June 3, 4 and 5 more than 350 athletes and coaches will participate in Jaca in the Absolute Spanish Cup “A”a championship that has been held in the city for 40 years and that is the first scoring event in the national calendar of Judo competitions.

From a sporting point of view, as pointed out by the Councilor for Sports of the Jaca City Council, Domingo Poveda, “this is an important event, a maximum competition that begins its sports season in Jaca”. The municipal sports facilities, in addition to promoting grassroots sports, host different competitions since the City Council seeks “that they be full of sports practice, the more days, the better”.

The City Council’s collaboration with the Aragonese Federation of Judo and associated sports goes back 40 years, when this competition was held for the first time. Since then it has only been interrupted by the pandemic.

This competition is also important from an economic point of view, since it is estimated that it will have a return of about 80,000 euros in the city. More than 350 athletes and coaches, to which we must add the people who accompany them, will spend two nights in our city and use our services. “Our objective with this type of event is to achieve the deseasonalization of tourism in our city and at this time, there is only one period of low occupancy, which is the month of November”, said Olvido Moratinos, Councilor for Tourism and Events of the Jaca City Council. . On the occasion of this tournament, people from 10 autonomous communities will visit this city

A sporting event with national projection

The president of the Aragonese Federation of Judo and associated sports, José Ángel Hierro explained that this tournament brings together the “first division” of Judo in Spain. For this reason, the entire development of the competition will be broadcast via streaming and will feature the commissioner of Yolanda Soler, Olympic medalist. These tests are qualifying for the final phase of the Spanish championship in 2023.


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