Millionaires: Dimayor’s sanction to the western tribune of El Campin | Colombian Soccer | Betplay League

The Dimayor published this Friday the resolution of the Disciplinary Committee corresponding to the fourth date of the quadrangular. Millionaires and Junior Barranquilla, protagonists of a controversial duel, were affected.

As for the ambassadors, there was good and bad news. The determination of the case of Juan Moreno and Álvaro Montero and the sanctions against both Óscar Cortés and the tribunes of the El Campin Stadium.

Precisely the latter would seriously affect the swollen ambassador in the face of the coming duels.

In article 7 of the resolution, the sanction is confirmed: “Azul & Blanco Millonarios FCSA (“Millionaires”) sanctioned with two (2) dates of partial suspension of the plaza, Western Lower North, Western Lower South and Western Lower Central grandstands y fine of ten million pesos ($10,000,000) for incurring in the infraction contained in numerals 1, 4, 5 and 6 of article 84 of the FCF CDU, in the match played for the 4th date of the home runs of the BetPlay DIMAYOR I 2022 League, against Club Deportivo Popular Junior FCSA “.

The foregoing because both the central judge and the field commissioner reported “Throwing objects such as coins, water bottles and other blunt objects towards the middle of the field of play where visiting players are leaving“.

In addition to the above, one of the elements “hit the technical assistant of Junior Juan Manuel López on his head, having to be removed on a stretcher by members of the medical service“.

Although the sanction would start this Saturday during the duel against Atlético Nacional for the fifth day of Group A, the ambassador team will take measures to try to carry out said sentence and not affect its subscribers.

Precisely Millonarios issued a statement hours later announcing that it will file “the corresponding resources” to cope with said sanction.

“We consider that with the presentation of the appeal, the acquired rights of the fans who bought tickets in the sectors of the affected stands should not be affected,” says the text published on social networks.

In the end, the prompt response of the Disciplinary Commission is requested…


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