Manchester United: Paul Pogba scoffs at English offer – Football

He’s really sure of himself!

Paul Pogba (29) will leave Manchester United on a free transfer this summer. According to media reports, the Frenchman is about to return to his former club Juventus. Pogba played for the Italians from 2012 to 2016.

However, the 2018 world champion is far from finished with his future ex-club ManUnited – and is handing out a lot!

Pogba doesn’t hold back in his new Amazon documentary, The Pogmentary. And even describes millions of offers from the English as “nothing”!

United had twice offered his midfield star a contract extension. Apparently the offers were at least a financial insult to Pogba.

He says in the documentary: “How can you tell a player that you really want him and then offer him nothing? I have never experienced anything like it!”

The playmaker is definitely not lacking in confidence. He underlines this himself in the same documentary with a rather daring comparison.

Pogba: “As long as my teammates and my family are happy, I don’t care if the others aren’t. Even Jesus was not unanimously rejected, they crucified him anyway.”

The main reason for Pogba’s anger is ManUnited’s hesitation. The Red Devils only started contract talks last summer when Pogba entered his final year of contract.

He is therefore certain: “My approach is to show Manchester that they made a mistake by waiting to give me a new contract. And to show other clubs that Manchester made a mistake by not offering me a contract.”

Pogba probably wants to rise again soon like his role model Jesus in Turin….


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