Legnano Softball: a win and a defeat in Turin

The second round of Serie A2 opened with a 4-5 defeat and a 5-3 victory for Legnano Softball, engaged in Turin against the Avigliana Rebels in the big match on Saturday.

In game 1, the red and white started well, reaching 2-0 and, after having suffered a draw, they put their heads back in the third inning but in the fourth the hosts reversed the result, taking on a 5-4 that lasted until the end.

Also in race 2 the Legnanesi started well, flying back to 2-0, but this time they conceded only one point to their rivals, before reaching 4-1. In the last two attacks the Piedmontese have tried to reopen the accounts, but on 3-5 they had to hoist the white flag.

After these results, Legnano has kept a victory in the standings ahead of his rivals of the day, third and therefore still behind in the race for the playoffs.


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