Italy: Donnarumma on edge…

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Weakened after a missed end of the season at Paris Saint-Germain, Gianluigi Donnarumma (23, 47 caps) is not the best with his selection. The Italian goalkeeper again showed a very worrying face during the debacle of the European champion in Germany (5-2) on Tuesday in the League of Nations. What irritate him when responding to a journalist.

“It’s the second time I’m wrong? When is the other one?, railed the Transalpin for Rai. Are you talking about the match against Real Madrid with a fault? Well, if you want to reject the fault, I take my responsibilities, even if I speak on behalf of the team and not individually because I said that you learn from your mistakes and that also applies to me. You ask me these questions…”


Read 6,914 times – by Youcef Touaitia on 06/15/2022 at 11:21


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