‘In current women’s tennis there is more power, but less strategy’

The Argentine tennis player participates with her compatriot Gisela Dulko in the doubles of the legends tournament of this Roland Garros, a tournament that brings together former professional tennis players in parallel to the official competition.

“I have nice memories of when I was a junior because I won the tournament, that was my first time here, I was 14 years old, it was in 1984,” recalls Sabatini who has searched in vain for the court where he won, number 2 at the time, and that no longer exists.

At 52 years old and with 27 titles in singles (US Open in 1990) and 14 in doubles (Wimbledon in 1988) under his belt, Sabatini remains in top form, although he admits that his serve is quite difficult.

“Logically when you play more often you improve, the first few days, the head said one thing and the body another, what is most difficult is the serve and the smach, training they improved and today it is quite good”, declared the Argentina at the microphone of Erich Mamruth.

“It’s strange because things are being lost, and one who was up there and who knows how he played and how he hit him, gets a little frustrated,” he added.

Asked about the differences between current women’s tennis and the one she or Arancha Sánchez Vicario played, Martina Navratilova, Sabatini is very clear about it. “Today there is much more power and maybe less strategy. They all serve very well, they have tremendous physiques”, analyzed the 1988 vice Olympic champion who deplores the fact that the level of current players is very changeable.

“There are players who don’t know each other very well and suddenly they are number 2, unlike before the Top 10 was almost always the same,” said the Argentine.

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