“I want the star of Espanyol to be the team, to transmit and excite”

BarcelonaDiego Martínez is very clear that, above any individuality, there is the team. The new Espanyol coach has refused to talk about specific names in his presentation as a Spaniard, but has made clear the main lines of the team he wants to build. “Our first goal is to get the best staff to give an idea of ​​a team that spreads, transmits and excites. The star of Espanyol must be the team “, he assured shortly after signing his contract, for two seasons (until June 30, 2024).

The Galician coach acknowledged that Espanyol’s proposal was “an impossible opportunity to refuse”. “From the outside, I was struck by the parakeet’s feeling, something unique, and I found it attractive to be able to be part of it,” said Martínez, who described Espanyol as follows: “A unique, special and unique club of which I want to get wet: just looking at the club staff already feels like that the strength of a feeling it is present, and that conveys a lot “, he added. Martinez has made it clear that he is coming with the desire to enhance the characteristics of the players he will have to ensure that all are in the future at a higher level than today.

For general manager Mao Ye, he is “one of the most prestigious coaches in the league” and a figure with whom to “excite the fans.” Sports director Domingo Catoira has defined it. as “a natural leader, for knowledge, personality and ambition, an element that we all need to launch the new project.” Martínez, who praised the understanding from the outset between all parties, acknowledged that the Catoira’s frankness and clarity about the current situation of Espanyol seduced him: “We are a club that wants to grow. From a solid foundation, we want to build and progress the club. I want to grow by growing Espanyol “, he insisted.

The new white-and-blue coach has avoided talking about styles and systems, but has hinted at the characteristics he wants his Spaniard to have: “Training that we dispute, in order to ensure that the values ​​with which Espanyol has always been identified are respected”. Martinez also made it clear that he puts the goal in the process, rather than in the classification. At the football level, he emphasized that he wants his team to “not resign in any facet of the game” in order to be able to respond to any scenario that occurs in a match. “What is non-negotiable is the mentality apart from the day to day training, because there you can optimize your talent margin,” he added.

“Signed years are not important”

He sent a clear message to the fans: “We must not ask, but offer.” The Galician wanted to downplay the fact that he only signed for two years, assuring that the decisions they will make will be thought of generating a structure and a team “consistent over time” and that they have effects in the medium and long term. “The years signed are not important, it is that there is communication, conviction and empathy in the day to day, and above all that there is union in times of adversity,” he said.

With the arrival of Diego Martínez, Espanyol can begin to unblock all the market operations that it had stopped waiting to know the name of the new coach. Although they had already dealt with some specific names, it will be from now on when the hand of the sporting director, Domingo Catoira, begin to decide the future of players like Melendo, Diego López and David López, in addition to confirming the names they have closed (Brian Oliván and Joselu).


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