Gravina: “Italy repechage at the World Cup makes us not very credible”

“Italy did not qualify and will not participate in the next World Cup, talking about it puts us in a position to be fooled, I have not resigned out of a sense of responsibility” these are the words of the president of the Football Association

The president of the Football Federation, Gabriele Gravina, was very clear about the hot topic of the last few months: “If we talk about the repechage we become not very credible, football has winners and losers, Italy has not qualified and will not participate in the world championship, if we need to change the rules we will work on it later, but we cannot continue to say things that put us in a position to be fooled “. On the failure to resign, which many had requested, he then added: “Do you really think that the solution was my resignation and that of Mancini? My sense of responsibility is not tied to the chair, I love to face problems, I take responsibility for them” .

the future

On the negative results of the last few months: “We have always told the truth to the Italians, and we will continue to say it even if at times it can be uncomfortable, our national team suffers, we have lost important players, we are a normal team, which has won a European championship. but which then returned to normal “. On the future he then concluded: “I expect a reaction of pride, we must continue to work and carry out our project with conviction”.


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