Four volantistas in national concentration in Santander

Wednesday, 01 June 2022 12:08

The Valonsadero Badminton Club volantistas Ian Antón, Carmen Carro, Irene Gárate and Hugo Sanz have been selected to participate in the 2022 National Concentration of the Wanted Champion Program (SBC) of the Spanish Badminton Federation.

This concentration, the star activity of the program Wanted Champion each season, will bring together from June 26 to 30 in Santander the best 36 national rackets of the sub15 and sub13 categories, to train under the orders of the national coach Ernesto Garcia and with the supervision of the national director of the program and the sports director of the Spanish Federation.

With the assured presence of the International Carmen Carro In the pre-selection of 16 volantistas that the Territorial Federations carried out at the beginning of May, yesterday the Spanish Federation, after evaluating the 60 candidates who opted for the remaining 20 places, made the complete list of athletes official, confirming the attendance of Ian Antón, Irene Garate and Hugo Sanz.

In addition, the four national badminton promises will be accompanied at this event by their coach Carlos Palero.

With this representation, the Club Valonsadero Badminton It will be, together with the Granollers Badminton Club, the club that will contribute the most volantistas to the event, being one more example of the excellent work that it has been carrying out in its seven seasons, contributing unprecedented successes to Soria badminton.


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