Federal Basketball League 2022

In the Jorge R stadium, Yamaguchi, Tokyo fell to La Unión de Entre Ríos in a very even match and with an arbitration that left much to be desired.

In the first quarter, the Nipponese team started off on the wrong foot as they partially lost it 23-13 due to ineffective shooting. However, the match had only just begun since, in the second quarter, Tokyo “woke up” and ended the half of the game 36-35 in favor of the Posadeño team.

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Already in the third quarter, Tokyo slowly began to gain ground on the court, widening the lead and leaving the score in a partial from 52 to 47. But, the people from Entre Ríos once again managed to prevail and win the series. In this way, the missionary team said goodbye to the tournament while La Unión agreed to the final of the Federal Basketball League.

During the first game that was played in Entre Ríos, the Japanese was overtaken by a local rival who imposed his game on the end of the match and ended up leading him by a difference of 23 points.

Tokyo fell to The Union


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