Exclusive Interview : PSIM Yogyakarta Promotion at Dead Price

TRIBUNJOGJA.COM, YOGYA – PSIM Yogyakarta will start the 2022 season with a target of promotion to Liga 1.

Many consider the team nicknamed Laskar Mataram to be worthy to compete in the highest caste in the country.

But of course there must be careful preparation by management to achieve this target.

Then a number of plans were prepared including compiling a new squad that was believed to be able to bring PSIM Yogyakarta up to the caste.

Then PSIM Yogyakarta also plans to gradually fulfill the requirements of a professional club before finally moving up to League 1.

For example, making training ground and academy.

Tribunjogja.com had the opportunity to interview the CEO of PSIM Yogyakarta, Bima Sinung Widagdo, Thursday (2/6/2022), to review how PSIM Yogyakarta has prepared this season and what are the long-term plans to move up to Liga 1.

Read also: PSIM Yogyakarta Confirms the First Practice of the 2022 Season Tomorrow Friday

1. What is PSIM Yogyakarta’s target for this season? Have you heard about the promotion target to Liga 1?

Of course, we have to set a promotion target to League 1. We have not performed in the highest caste for too long. We can see from the potential and extraordinary supporters, the promotion target should have been set.

2. What capital does PSIM Yogyakarta have to achieve the promotion target to Liga 1?


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