“El zurdo de oro” the life of the successful Guatemalan badminton player Kevin Cordón will arrive at the cinema

Talk about Kevin Cordón, is to talk about a successful athlete who has established himself in the discipline of badmintonwhich is currently number two in all of America.

Medalist in the Pan American Games, fourth best in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, and multiple champion in various international championships, they seal a sporting life full of success. But behind all this, there is a story that perhaps very few people know, that of a boy who first dreamed of being a footballer, but by chance badminton crossed his path.

A very familiar childhood in The Union, in Zacapa, surrounded by his loved ones and friends, but he had to leave that comfort zone to go in search of his dreams. Leaving home at an early age, separating from his parents, changing his routine to become a professional, among many other sacrifices, Cordón had to go through to reach the pinnacle of his career.

The badminton player presented the project at a press conference. (Free Press Photo: Esvin García)

That is why the life of the best basketball player in the history of Guatemala will be brought to the big screen. “The Golden Lefty”and biographical documentary that will publicize not only the sporting achievements of Kevin Cordón, but also his origins and his hometown.

In September the documentary of the badminton player will be presented. (Free Press Photo: Esbin García)

“For me it is an honor and a joy to be able to share this new project that is based on my sports life, but above all on the personal side of how a child manages to fulfill his dreams and inspire many Guatemalans,” said Kevin Cordón.

The film project, which plans to its premiere for September in Alba Cinema, It will be directed by Édgar Ramírez, who has more than 30 years of experience in the audiovisual world. The production will be in charge of Claudia Luna Porras, and the original idea is by Lily Cordón.


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