Eduardo Camavinga evokes the Casemiro-Kroos-Modric trio

Guest this Wednesday on the show Rothen s’enflamme on RMC, Real Madrid midfielder Eduardo Camavinga looked back on his first season in the Spanish capital. The 19-year-old Frenchman notably mentioned his adaptation to the Real workforce and the competition in the Madrid midfield with the Casemiro-Kroos-Modric trio, three players from whom the former Rennais learned a lot.

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“All three are good guys. Me, I can play in any position in midfield, so I try to learn from everyone. When I played No. 6, there was sometimes Casemiro who came to talk to me. When I played No.8, it was Kroos or Modric. We have a good relationship”explained the tricolor international who has played 40 matches with Real this season, scored two goals and provided as many assists.


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