Dominique Valéra and Jérôme Le Banner, two kickboxing champions in Râches

Recently, the Râches Phénix-club organized an open day. For the occasion, it welcomed two kick-boxing champions with exceptional track records. We interviewed them.

Reading time:
2 min

What are your respective backgrounds?

Dominique Valéra: “I’m in my 68th year of practice, I started judo at 7, karate at 13 and kickboxing at 28. Out of 701 fights, I only had 17 defeats. »

Jérôme le Banner: “I have practiced judo, karate and full-contact since a very young age. I consider the martial art as the 7th art. »

What are your respective records?


Dominique Valéra: “I have been French champion 17 times, European champion 14 times and I won a World Cup. Now I want to pass on my knowledge to the younger generations and make them want to make their dreams come true. »

Jérôme Le Banner: “I distinguished myself in K1 where each time I reached the round of 16. I also have a wrestling career in Japan with the Inoki Genome Federation. I obtained many prestigious titles but what I gained, it is especially a mental of steel and the will never to give up. »

What physical and mental skills does your sport develop?


Dominique Valéra: “Kickboxing helps develop adaptation to unfamiliar situations. You have to exploit the situation and turn it in your favor, it also allows you to work on your reflexes. We do not advocate violence, on the contrary, respect is our primary value. »

Jérôme Le Banner: “Regarding physical abilities, the martial art helps develop body tone, self-control and endurance. To practice these sports, you have to have a strong mind and never give up. »


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