Covid, the numbers of June 7, 2022

There are no deaths of people positive to covid in today’s data concerning the province of Ragusa.

The current positives in the province of Ragusa today, Tuesday 7 June 2022, are 1,588 (yesterday they were 1,592).

The positives in home isolation are 1,555 (yesterday they were 1,562). This is the situation Municipality by Municipality: Acate 45, Chiaramonte Gulfi 34, Comiso 107, Giarratana 20, Ispica 97, Modica 358, Monterosso Almo 2, Pozzallo 142, Ragusa 456, Santa Croce Camerina 39, Scicli 77, Vittoria 178.

There are 33 hospitalized patients:

– 19 are at the John Paul II in Ragusa;

– 9 are at the Guzzardi di Vittoria;

– 4 are located at the Maggiore “Nino Baglieri” in Modica;

– 1 Ragusan is hospitalized in “Cervello” in Palermo.

Finally, there are 12 hospitalized in the RSA Covid of MP Arezzo di Ragusa.

Let’s now see the Regional data:

UPDATE at 17:50

In the last 24 hours, another 2,924 cases of coronavirus have been diagnosed out of 19,351 swabs processed. The victims are 14, the total of deaths thus rises to 10,999.

The hospitalized are 546, the most serious in intensive care are 27.

It is the province of Palermo that has the highest number of infections today, they are 903. The new cases in the province of Ragusa are: 233.


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