Carlospacenses athletes received financial support

With the presence of Sebastián Boldrini, Secretary of Tourism, Sports and Culture, a delivery of economic aid in the nature of institutional support to athletes was carried out today at the central tourism office Simón Requena (motor racing), Nicolás Armesto (motor racing) and Tomás Luna (paddle).

In addition, they received their subsidies Jazmín Aragón (swimming) and Lidia Ferro (archery) although they could not be present due to sporting commitments in other cities.

“We are accompanying the athletes from the city who represent us throughout the country and even the world. They are small aids that add up to the sporting commitments of each one of them ” Sebastián Boldrini clarified and added “All activities demand an expense and this help allows them to continue competing at a high level.”

“We also try to accompany the sports institutions of Carlos Paz on an annual or semi-annual basis. We are putting together the folders and surrenders of previous subsidies but in the next few days we will be delivering aid to local clubs “ finished.


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