Boris Becker accepts London conviction and prison sentence

Tennis idol Boris Becker has accepted his London sentence to two and a half years in prison for bankruptcy offences. “Our client has decided not to appeal the Southwark Crown Court’s conviction,” said Becker’s attorney Christian-Oliver Moser on Monday. “Our client accepts both the jury’s verdict and the sentence imposed by the court.” The “Bild” newspaper had previously reported on it.

Lawyer Moser emphasized: “The main reason for the conviction of our client is the fact that he made private payments via a business account after the opening of insolvency. The payments were made, among other things, for the benefit of his children and relatives as well as for open medical bills and consulting costs.” Before the opening of the private bankruptcy, Becker had done nothing wrong or illegal, it said.

At the end of April, Becker was sentenced to two and a half years in prison at London’s Southwark Crown Court, the second half of which is expected to be suspended. He had concealed assets worth millions from his insolvency administrators. Becker is now in Huntercombe prison in Nuffield, around 70 kilometers west of his adopted home of London.


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