Bold free agency predictions after the 2022 NBA draft

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Despite taking a real year longer than any other team in the NBA, the Wizards decided to keep their 10th pick and pick Wisconsin’s double-keeper Jonny Davis instead.

It wasn’t a bad choice, but it could have implications for Bradley Beal’s future with the franchise.

Davis is not a first-choice goalkeeper. He averaged more turns (2.3) than assists (2.1) last season and yielded just 42.7 percent overall. While the 20-year-old is a good defender and a talented rebel, that’s not what the Wizards need alongside Bale.

Swapping the pickaxe for a now-profitable guard point along the lines of Malcolm Brugdon would have sent a much better message to Bill. Even picking a player like De’Anthony Melton, traded from the Memphis Grizzlies to the Philadelphia 76ers for Danny Green and the 23rd pick overall, would have been a huge improvement for the Wizards.

Now Bill has 248 million reasons to return to Washington on a five-year deal, but the Wizards’ lack of urgency to win should make him seriously consider signing and trading opportunities. According to The Athletic, he has already admitted he was recruited “a lot”. Josh Robbinsand claims to have already made up his mind about his future game, although that was before he saw what Washington did on draft night.

Bill’s signing and trade would cost big bucks (it could max out in four years and $184 million), though it would allow him to become a full free agent again on his 33rd birthday, with another big deal potentially looming.

Teams like the Miami Heat and the Memphis Grizzlies offer a real shot at the championship next season, and you shouldn’t have to worry about strict signing and trading restrictions.

The player is already insured $180 million in NBA checks With at least an additional $184 million over the next four years, Bell could effectively turn down a maximum contract with the Wizards and instead pay to sign and trade with a competitor.


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