Basketball – NBA: Philadelphia 76ers want to extend with Harden – Sport

Philadelphia (AP) – After being eliminated again in the second round of the NBA playoffs, the Philadelphia 76ers really want to keep superstar James Harden.

“That’s the plan for him to stay. That’s the plan since the trade. We need to talk to his agent and that’s going to stay between us to figure out how that works,” President Daryl Morey said after the Sixers went into six games against which the Miami Heat were eliminated.

Harden, signed by the Brooklyn Nets in February, is out of contract. He has a $47.4 million player option that he can exercise through the end of June. The reason why he hadn’t already drawn it was that he had forgotten. The 32-year-old himself indicated after the defeat against Miami that he would like to stay. He could theoretically leave the Sixers in the summer as a free agent.

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