Barça: Ousmane Dembélé refuses the offer of the last chance

It was definitely the last chance offer to see Ousmane Dembele stay at FC Barcelona and she was dismissed out of hand… The French clan has indeed just refused the last extension offer proposed by the FC Barcelona which, for its part, will not make any news.

End of the Dembele adventure at Barça

All hopes still seemed high a few weeks ago, but it would seem that the good will shown by Ousmane Dembele was just window dressing. According to Ser Chain, the player and his representatives would not have accepted the last offer made by the sports management of the Barça.

A refusal that marks 99% the end of the adventure Dembélé au Barça since the club has already made it known that it would not make another offer. The 2018 World Champion is free to enter wherever he wishes from June 30. Chelsea would hold the rope.

There are therefore a few weeks left before the resumption for the FC Barcelona to activate the replacement tracks mentioned for a few weeks. Raphinha is in pole position, but Angel Di Maria could also create a surprise!


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