Anson “Sea Dogs” enters the Memorial Cup final – Hockey – – Sports

“Sea Dogs” beat Shavinigana’s “Cataractes” 5: 3 (0: 3, 4: 0, 1: 0).

The victory of the St. John’s unit was forged by William Dafur, who scored a “hat-trick” in the second third, but added another goal in the final period.

Anson threw the opponent’s goal three times in the game and won in two of the six throws, finishing the match with a neutral efficiency.

On June 30, the final of the Sea Dogs, which was the best after the round, will be the winner of the semi-finals of the Cataractes and Hamilton Bulldogs.

In the final four of the final match, 20-year-old Anson has already been reported with three assists, helping the Sea Dogs beat the Hamilton Bulldogs 5: 3 (2: 1, 2: 0, 1: 2) in the second game of the Hamilton Bulldogs. he was scored and scored by Sea Dogs in an extra time.

In the final four, the teams first played in a round, after which the playoffs will take place.

The winners of three leagues – Quebec’s Premier Hockey League (QMJHL), Ontario Hockey League (OHL) and Western Hockey League (WHL) – are the winners of the playoffs and the organizer of the tournament “Sea Dogs”.

Sea Dogs scored 98 points in 68 games in the QMJHL Main Event, the third best in the 18-team competition.

The competition in St. John’s runs from June 20 to 29.

The Covid-19 Memorial Cup is being won after a two-year hiatus.


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