all the preview of the first leg of the round of 16, minute by minute


News in Development

Velez y River They face this Wednesday in Liniers for the first leg of the round of 16 of the Libertadores Cup. It will be from 9:30 p.m. at the José Amalfitani stadium, before a crowd of Fortín fans who seek to strike against the Millionaire. the brazilian Raphael Claus is the referee and televises Fox Sports.

The rematch will be next Wednesday the 6th at the Monumental stadium and the winner will face Colón de Santa Fe or Talleres de Córdoba, the protagonists of the other Argentine series.

PT 10M. Vélez gets a corner, but the passed center is not good. Leo Jara captures the rebound and proves his left foot, from far away. The ball goes wide.

PT 8M. Now the one testing from the outside is Julián Álvarez: weak left-footed shot, solved without problems by Vélez’s goalkeeper, Lucas Hoyos.

PT 6M. Enzo Fernández shoots from the door of the area: just above the crossbar. The first clear was for River.

PT 5M. Pratto throws the truck over Martínez at the River exit. The Bear came out with everything, but with a lack.

PT 4M. Reckless start from the bottom of De los Santos: he dribbled past three rivals and touched for Perrone. He turned out fine.

PT 2M. River handles the ball with his central defenders. The first minutes are of study in Liniers.


Vélez and River collide for the first leg of the Copa Libertadores round of 16.

Lucas Pratto and Enzo Pérez, the captains of Vélez and River, greet each other in midfield for the draw. They were partners in Núñez’s team. And they went around a lot…

The José Amalfitani stadium in Liniers is packed, even with income problemswhere Vélez subscribers denounce that they cannot enter the places that they have designated.

Vélez fans cheer in the José Amalfitani stands. Photo: Juan Mabromata / AFP.

Vélez and River, on a Libertadores night, far from ideal: who better reaches the cupbearer crossing?
The analysis of Maximilian Uriajournalist from Clarion, in the run-up to the round of 16 match. Read more…

Lots of color in the preview at Liniers!
​Vélez fans are fully excited about taking the first step in a complex but balanced series against River.

Surprise in the formation of River!
Marcelo Gallardo will not have the Uruguayan Nicholas De la Cruz and on offense it will give confidence to Brian Romero, who is on a scoring streak.
In Vélez he will debut Walter Bouone of the incorporations of Cacique Medina, in an attack that will be completed Lucas Janson y Lucas Prattowho plays a special match.

Both campuses are already in the José Amalfitani stadium.

Goodnight everyone!
Thank you for joining us in following the first leg of the Copa Libertadores round of 16 between Vélez and River, which starts at 9:30 p.m.


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