Agbégnénou announces the birth of his daughter

Flag bearer of the tricolor delegation and Olympic judo champion in Tokyo, Clarisse Agbégnénou announced this Friday the birth of her daughter, Athéna.

At the end of a fabulous year 2021 completed with two gold medals at the Tokyo Olympics, an individual title and another by team in judo, Clarisse Agbégnénou had announced that she wanted to take a break to become a mother. It is now done since the judoka announced this Friday the birth of her daughter Athena, named after the Greek goddess of wisdom and military strategy. The sportswoman’s baby was born on Wednesday and is doing wonderfully.

“My companion and I are happy to welcome our little girl Athena, said on social networks the one who also paved the way for the tricolor delegation during the Japanese Olympics. Everything went very well and everyone is fine.”

Direction Paris 2024 for Agbégnénou

Clarisse Agbégnénou had made motherhood her big goal after the 2021 Olympics in Japan. The double Olympic champion tricolor had felt that the time had come for her to start a family. If the 29-year-old had set March 2022 as the maximum date to get pregnant, such happiness came sooner. Now a mom, Clarisse Agbégnénou will be able to pamper a little before heading back to the tatami mats. Last October, the judoka explained to RMC Sport that she would not rush her recovery.

“I let time do its thing, I’m not going to let my head and my body do the talking. Often, when you try to go too fast, you can be slowed down, I don’t want to go too fast. The objective The ultimate is to win Paris 2024, had then indicated the one who had not yet formalized her pregnancy. If I manage to be in good shape before… I will not be in a hurry. It would be good to win a world championship, a European championship and a Paris tournament, that would set the stage for Paris 2024.”


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