World elite guest – Judo Austria

Austria has not been the scene of an international judo tournament for more than two years. The long wait will end next weekend when a Judo Junior European Cup will take place in the Raiffeisen Sportpark in Graz. The event can already be considered a success: The international interest exceeds all expectations, 534 judoka from 37 nations are announced. Germany is the largest delegation with 57 participants, followed by hosts Austria (48) and Italy (40), and judo superpower Japan is flying in with 15 participants.

“We are bursting at the seams, both in the Raiffeisen Sports Park and in the six accommodations. We have an unbelievable 140 entries and 15 nations more than Coimbra (Por) in March, the largest of a total of 6 Junior European Cup tournaments this year. But the field of participants is also top-notch in terms of quality: I would dare to bet that we will see one or the other medal winner from the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris in action at the weekend,” emphasizes ÖJV sports director Markus Moser. “Austria traditionally has a good name in the judo scene, especially when it comes to organizing training camps and tournaments, which is reflected in the number of participants. It is anything but a matter of course that nations like the USA, Canada and Japan travel to junior tournaments in Central Europe,” says head coach Yvonne Bönisch. “The ÖJV and the Styrian regional association can be a bit proud of that!”

What does the 2004 Olympic champion expect from the Austrian squad for Graz? “With Laura Kallinger (-63), Marcus Auer (-60) and Aslan Papoyan (-90), we have three season winners in our ranks, Marcus and Aslan are number three and fifth respectively. So I would expect one or the other medal. Even if the pressure at the home tournament will of course be a little higher than usual. And when it comes to competition, Graz certainly cannot be compared to Lignano or Coimbra. The starting field for the coming weekend is Eins-a. Anyone who prevails there can also calculate legitimate chances at the European Championships and World Cup. It can’t get any harder.”

Yvonne Bönisch knows Marcus Auer (-60/Creativ Graz/ST) very well: “He’s been training with the national team in Linz since last July and got a place at the Army Sports Center on the Gugl when he was 18. Marcus’ development over the past few months has been remarkable, both physically and tactically. He definitely has what it takes to assert himself internationally in the general class. We plan with him.”

Compatriot Verena Hiden (-57/SU Noricum Leibnitz/ST) has to bake smaller rolls for the time being. For the 19-year-old, Saturday’s goal is to place in the top 7 for the Junior European Championships in Prague (September 15-18). Yvonne Bönisch: “Verena has not yet been able to write to Coimbra and Lignano. Your goal must be to collect world ranking points in the 3rd attempt and to push yourself for Prague – both are feasible.

In addition to Verena Hiden and Marcus Auer, there are two other Styrians in the squad: Nihat Karimov (-60/Judoteam Zeltweg) and Junus Islamhanov (-73/Union Graz).

“Together with the ÖJV, we will strive to be a perfect host. We’re looking forward to two tournament days and two training camp days,” says LV Stmk President Thomas Auer. It goes without saying that he is keeping his fingers crossed for his son Marcus on Saturday.


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