What is French Judo Education / School / Sports | Seikyusha


What is French JudoEducation / school / sports

society in general

Hoshino Eiji(edited) / Tetsuya Nakajima(edited) / Naoki Iso(edited)

280 pages of shirokuban
List price2600 yen+ Tax
ISBN978-4-7872-3506-0 C0036

Bookstore release date June 23, 2022 Registration date May 20, 2022


France is known as a judo powerhouse. He has won many medals at the Olympics, and is introduced as an advanced judo country in Japan because of his high competitiveness, large number of athletes, and few accidents. However, it is often talked about in the image, and the actual situation of French judo and its relationship with education are hardly known in Japan.

This book first introduces the current state of French judo. From the episodes of the judo club, we will carefully outline the actual situation such as the competitive population and the number of instructors, the relationship with school education and extracurricular activities, and the position of judo in the French sports world. On top of that, we will follow the historical course of establishing judo, which is different from the Japanese Kodokan judo, and diachronically verify sophisticated teaching methods, systems such as promotion exams, and educational methods.

After confirming the relationship between judo and education in Japan, we will compare Japan and France and clarify the problems that Japanese judo has, whether it is French judo based on education.

Author profile

Hoshino Eiji(Hoshino Utsuru)

Lecturer at Waseda University Global Education Center. Majors are sports history and sports sociology. His dissertations include “Establishment of Judo in Occupied Paris in 1944-1944” (“Physical Education Studies” Vol. 64, No. 1).

Tetsuya Nakajima(Tetsuya Nakajima)

Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Ibaraki University. His majors are sports anthropology and martial arts theory. He is the author of “Modern Japanese Martial Arts Theory” (Kokusho Kankokai), co-authored “What is the Martial Arts of Japanese Martial Arts?” “Study” Vol. 66) etc.

Naoki Iso(Isonaoki)

Specially appointed lecturer at Tokyo University of the Arts Social Cooperation Center. Her majors are history of sociology and social research. Author of “Recognition and Reflection” (Hosei University Press), “La culture légitime et la distinction dans le Japon contemporain” (Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques, 51 (1)), “Bourdieusian Self-Analyses as a Japanese Sociologist” “(Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale, 126) and so on.

The above contents are as of the time of publication of this book.


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