Viterbo News 24 – National Sports Day on June 5th in Orte

National Sports Day on June 5th in Orte

Party wanted by Coni

ORTE – The National Sports Day for Lazio will be celebrated in Orte on 5 June. The big party open to all sportsmen and clubs, wanted by Coni and which, every year, takes place on the first Sunday of June, at the same time throughout the national territory, will be hosted in the sports center area from 9 to 12.30. For young people it will be possible to approach and learn about football, volleyball, tennis, rugby, soccer, sports dance, martial arts, baseball, basketball, cycling and swimming. There will also be a location in the Hague of Viterbo. At the disposal of the boys, the technicians of the various sports federations. At the same time on the grassy surface of the Filesi stadium, on the parquet of the building, which will be named after Claudio Guazzaroni, on the fields of the tennis club, on the soccer field, the basketball field and in the high school tensile structure, various tournaments will be scheduled with the participation of teams from neighboring countries. In short, it will be a day dedicated to the promotion of all sports disciplines, coordinated by Coni Lazio, the delegation of Viterbo and the municipality of Orte. The mayor Dino Primieri is also enthusiastic: ‘The occasion of the celebration of this day – he said – promotes the message of how much sport is fundamental for the restart of the country for the return to normality and aggregation also to build peace . It is an honor for us to have received and accepted the proposal of Coni Lazio which we thank in the person of the president Riccardo Viola for the choice ‘.

Meanwhile, the presentation of the national sports day took place in the Orte schools. The managers of the local sports clubs, the councilor for sport Filippo Gianfermo, the delegate of the Coni Ugo Baldi and Leonardo Sernicola, the newly promoted footballer in Serie A with Cremonese, owned by Sassuolo and formerly Ternana, were guests of the high schools and then of the medium to bring the initiative to the attention of the young people.


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