Verdun-sur-Garonne. The gestures that can save taught by firefighters

Saturday, May 14, on the tatami of the MJC judo room, 14 people, adults and children, were introduced to life-saving gestures for three hours. This awareness training, organized by Groupama with the MJC, was led by a firefighter from Grisolles, Pascal Pallavicini, with a lot of education, examples and practice. The topics discussed were numerous: how to behave when arriving at an accident site, calling for help, the first gestures towards the victim(s) (PLS, lateral safety position; compression point; application of a tourniquet if necessary ), use of a defibrillator in case of cardiac arrest, massage and mouth to mouth. Explanation: “It is not a question of providing complete rescuers in three hours but of helping people present in a disaster, an accident; not to stress; to keep their cool; to know how to react quickly and well ; to do the right things; to have the right attitudes while waiting for help.” Groupama thus wishes to train 1 million people at the national level during the year. Currently, the demands for this type of training are constantly increasing. At the end of this session, those present were joined by the trainees from the April session, and all were given a certificate of awareness of life-saving gestures.


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