This is how you can follow the NBA Playoffs

The hot phase of the season is finally upon us again in the NBA. The playoffs started just before Easter and the top 16 teams in the league are playing for the coveted NBA Championship. The sport is also gaining more and more fans in Germany.

After all, several Germans are currently playing an important role in their club. Unfortunately, the playoffs will not be broadcast on free TV, but the digital streaming offers offer various opportunities to be there live. We’ll show you how you can experience the NBA playoffs live in Germany.

The full program with the League Pass

If you don’t want to miss a post-season game, the NBA League Pass is the right choice. The official streaming offer of the league comes in different packages and designs. The League Pass Premium offers all games live for €24.99 and can be used on two devices at the same time. The Standard League Pass costs 17.99 and offers the same features, but only for one streamer. If you only want to watch a certain game or just one day of basketball, the Day Pass for 5.99 is a good idea. Here you get 24 hours free access to all streaming offers of the NBA. At the start of the regular season, the league also offers a team pass. Here you can follow all the games of your favorite team.

DAZN is also heavily involved

When DAZN went on the market in Germany in 2016, the focus was primarily on US sports. Even if the “Netflix des Sports” now has numerous other disciplines in its program, the NFL and NBA are still the most frequently represented. In the regular season there is a game to watch every day and you can also follow most of the playoffs on DAZN. From the final series, for example, every game is broadcast live. In addition, DAZN also offers a 24-hour stream of the league’s own channel NBA-TV. Reports, background information and selected live broadcasts are available here around the clock. DAZN costs €29.99 per month. If you opt for an annual subscription, you pay €24.99 per month. Bundesliga fans should also get their money’s worth with DAZN, as this is where the exclusive rights for the Friday and Sunday Bundesliga games lie.

Why is the NBA so popular?

The NBA is gaining more fans every year. While in the 1990s it was mainly big stars like Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant who attracted worldwide interest, the aspect of social media is now also being added. Betway has taken a closer look at the US league and is tracking down the secret of its success. The NBA can be described as a true “media powerhouse”. Whether it’s Instagram, Twitter or TIKTOK – most fans of all sports leagues follow the NBA on all social media. Sports journalist Lukas Robert confirms this: “[die NBA] is a story machine that tells stories 365 days a year, seven days a week, 24 hours a day. That doesn’t exist in any other sport,” says the basketball expert.

Especially when the playoffs are coming up, interest in the NBA grows again. With League Pass, DAZN and Co. you are definitely there live.


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