The sports city of La Línea will house a new sports complex | Sports

The government team of La Línea de la Concepción has presented new facilities to complete the equipment of the municipal sports city. It is a new complex that will consist of an athletics track, an Olympic shooting gallery and a multipurpose room, located in an almost vacant space once occupied by soccer and tennis fields, now in disuse.

The presentation has been in charge of the mayor of La Línea de la Concepción, Juan Franco; the Deputy Mayor and Infrastructure delegate, Manuel Abellán, and the Councilor for Sports, Francisco Javier Vidal.

The planned investment reaches 2.4 million euros, which will be provided in full by the Cádiz Provincial Council for works that could begin within a year. With an area of ​​approximately 25,000 square meters, it will provide the city with an approved athletics track with 8 lanes, thus solving the disappearance of the current one, not contemplated in the new football stadium, and it will relocate the Olympic Shooting Club in better dependencies with 30 streets: 10 of 25 meters, 10 of 50 and another 10 of 100 meters. The oval space inside the athletics track will be grass to allow the practice of 7-a-side football and rugby. There will also be a covered multipurpose room for sports such as handball, basketball, volleyball, futsal, judo or rhythmic gymnastics, among others. In total, the area dedicated to sport in the sports city will exceed 100,000 square meters.

The mayor reported that in the future it is planned to install modules on the front facing the sea for leisure and recreational uses. On the other hand, Juan Franco stressed that all these actions have been planned with the sports entities involved, mainly the Linense Athletics Club and the Linense Olympic Shooting Club, whom he thanked for “the loyalty they have shown to the City Council” waiting to present a project like this “of significant complexity, after many restructurings until seeking financing, with the general lines well defined and agreed with the affected clubs”.

The first mayor took stock of the works aimed at improving sports facilities, such as the new football stadium, the reform of the municipal sports pavilion, together with the organization of sporting events of different levels. “All of this is part of the process of transforming the city, with the aim that clubs and citizens have decent facilities and sport is a driver of change,” he declared.

Vidal stressed that municipal investment in sports infrastructure reaches 13 million euros in three years. Likewise, he clarified that everything planned for the neighborhoods in the Local Plan for Infrastructure and Sporting Events continues. Thus, in Los Junquillos, the use of the gymnasium of the old Padre Manjón school has already come into operation, which will soon have synthetic flooring, and work is being done to reopen the Padre Diego pavilion, pending the pronouncement of the Junta de Andalucía on its transition to municipal ownership. The city of football will be created in the Atunara area, enhancing the current facilities of Atlético Zabal with a plot of 1,600 square meters.

Abellán pointed out that what has been presented today are the main lines of the draft, currently being drafted. Next, the project will be tendered and then the work, which could begin within a year. The mayor stressed that the impact of national events that have taken place in the city in recent years make sport “an engine for generating socioeconomic activity.” Hence the firm commitment to strengthening the sports city, endorsed by the “extraordinary response of the citizens” once the Santa Bárbara paddle tennis and tennis club, the swimming pool managed by Asansull and the soccer fields have been put into service artificial.


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