The lagoon. Students create pet supplies out of balls

The lagoon.  Students create pet supplies out of balls

Torreon, Coahuila. / 17.05.2022 17:24:37

Taking into account the rise of these sports disciplines in La Laguna y there are thousands of balls that are thrown in the trash, students of Carlos Pereyra High School of areas of Engineering and Administration showed their project at the Entrepreneurs Fair which took place in said educational institution.

Presenting this project at this entrepreneurship fair, Marijose Ramírez, a student in her last semester of high school, explains: RE-CAN, products for pets, a business proposal based on collecting paddle and tennis balls that are no longer used, like use scrap woodwith an ecological approach and welfare of dogs.

“They are complete materialistic trucks full of balls that are no longer useful and are destined for the garbage. Surprised by this, we decided as a team to collect them and give them a second use, just like wood.”

Ana Paula Martinez, Isabela Salazar, Paulina Riverol, Rodolfo García, Juan Pablo Ortiz, make up together with MariJosé Ramirez.

With the paddle balls, they make teething rings for dogs with recycled fabric, beds and houses lined with balls cut in half; and how company They are open to making any product that is requested and that these balls can be used. “We saw trucks leaving the paddle tennis courts full of balls that are no longer used.”

Made of rubber or polyurethane rubbers, a paddle ball lasts approximately three matchesthey are also used in children’s training and are finally discarded.

For her part, Beatriz Orozco Álvarez, high school director at said institution, stated that “by taking up these events, it allows students not only to put into practice their knowledge in administration and engineering, but also to undertake entrepreneurship with sustainable products and with the structure of a microenterprise.

During this edition of the Entrepreneurs Fair, Nine projects were presented by sixth-year high school students from said campus, from their mission, vision, legal aspectsproviding the entire business and research plan framework, and offering products that are not only on the market, but that are creative, innovative, and with a humanistic sense, with the seal of service to others.

For her part, Mónica Méndez, Academic Director General of Pereyra, He explained that this project, although it arises from the subject of the Administration area, also converges with information technology, accounting, which generate aspects that a company must cover, with social, human sense, and care for the “common home”.

How to achieve the humanistic sense in the middle of a market where the business must be profitable?

In this sense, they explained that ehe sense of social responsibility and proximity to the other, they work on it from pre-school to high school.

Although the idea of ​​RE-CAN was presented at this Entrepreneurs Fair at the Carlos Pereyra School, Saúl Ramos, from said institution, explained that The idea is to ensure that these projects transcend, generate links with instances of support and financing for business projects.that can be consolidated from an idea that came out of the classroom, but that can be consolidated within the productive market.



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