the first Open of the city is approaching!

In view of the constant demand and the level of play which continues to increase in France, more and more clubs are throwing themselves into the deep end by offering P500s.

In a few weeks it will be the turn of Tennis and Padel in Bourg-lès-Valence to enter the dance by offering a P500 Men and a P5000 Women!

An expected event

This will be the first Open organized by the Drome – Ardèche Tennis Committee in collaboration with the Bourg-lès-Valence club. It will be held over three days, from June 17 to 19.

The organization of the tournament is as follows:

  • Friday 17 June: men’s qualifying phase
  • Saturday June 18: start of the main draw
  • Sunday, June 19 afternoon: final phase from the quarters and prize giving

Prize Money: 800 euros per category.
Registration fee: 25 euros per person

In order to further promote padel in the region, a great animation will be proposed by the organizers. But that’s not all ! Many welcome prizes will be offered to players and the club will offer competitors a whole series of services such as partner hotels, etc.
And for the most revelers, a players’ evening with concert within the club will be held on Saturday evening.

Internships are also offered

Competition for adults is good, but the club does not forget the youngest either. Indeed, the Bourg-lès-Valence club organizes courses for the months of July and August for future champions aged 4 to 17 years.

Two formulas are offered, the “challenger” for a wider audience (7 -17 years old) and the “mini hero” for 4 to 7 years old. These budding champions will be able to choose between tennis and padel but also try out many other activities such as archery, badminton, obstacle course and other team sports.

To know all the details of these courses concerning the activities offered, the prices as well as the planned outings, we leave you the brochure right here.

And as Confucius said, a picture is worth a thousand words so we will find you just below the new 2022 presentation video so that you can get an idea of ​​the good atmosphere that reigns during these courses.

Sebastien Carrasco

Fan of padel and of Spanish origin, padel runs through my veins. Very happy to share my passion with you through the world reference for padel: Padel Magazine.


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