The figure of Eugenio Benito is enlarged at the Judo Federation Gala – Lanza Digital

Tribute to Eugenio Benito at the Regional Judo Federation Gala in Tomelloso / Photo: La Voz de Tomelloso

The pioneer of Judo in Tomelloso was remembered for his many sporting and human virtues.

The Marcelo Grande Theater in Tomelloso hosted this past Sunday the Gala of the Federation of Judo and Associated Sports of Castilla-La Mancha. The figure of the always remembered, Eugene Benedict, presided over a gala in which the sporting and human virtues of one of the greats of Tomelloso sport were extolled. The event was attended by the mayor, Inmaculada Jiménez; the Councilor for Sports, Amadeo Teviño; councilors from the Government Team and the Popular Party, the person in charge of the Board’s Sports service, Luis García Morato, the mayor of Villarrubia de los Ojos, leaders of the Federation, athletes, clubs and collaborating entities.

Adrián Osuna presented an act in which there were more than 160 awards to athletes of all categories. Inmaculada Jiménez welcomed and praised the figure of Eugenio Benito “a tireless fighter who was trained to later train the many children who passed through his hands. He transmitted to them the values ​​of judo, a sport that brings together a large family of athletes”.

The manager of the Federation, Juan Antonio Delgado, apologized for the absence of the president, José Merino, for family reasons. As he explained, “judo has been one of the sports hardest hit by Covid, but everything has been overcome and things are back to normal again.”

Thus, the awards ceremony began, which was done smoothly. The Suzuky, Fujiyama, Aylu I, Jushirokan, Campo de Criptana, La Roda and Manzanares clubs garnered numerous awards. The judokas and practitioners of other martial arts from Tomelloso had a great role. Thus, in the category of less than nine years they were awarded Adrián Morón, Claudia Jiménez and Carla Parra.

In the sub-15 category, it was recognized Iker Carmona, Gonzalo Caro and Marcos Lara, while in junior it was awarded to Arantxa González and Samuel Pradillos Ruiz. In the wushu modality, it was recognized Julia López, David Rogoveanu, Julián Sánchez Giner and David Falaba.

emotive videos

The presentation of the awards was interspersed with videos that unraveled the intense work of Eugenio Benito with judo: from the complicated beginnings to the present, going through the numerous changes of premises that he had to face, the numerous competitions organized and the evolution of a sport that became one of the fashionable sports in Tomelloso. The endearing photographs that were appearing have caused a lump in the throat of many of the attendees.

The Gala recognized the Desoft company that has modernized the management of the Federation. The award was collected by Emilio Cano. He also received an award The Voice of Tomelloso, that his two journalists picked up, Francisco Navarro and Carlos Moreno, and several families in the city for their involvement with judo and other sports: Navarro Villegas, Serrano Sánchez, Torres Hervás, Rogoveanu and Moreno López.

Others recognized were Claudiu Mihahila, Alejandro Peco, Alfonso López Oliva, Miguel Ángel García Andújar, Francisco Benito Rebato, José Luis Ortiz, José Antonio Rodrigo and Yamila Gómez. There were also awards for the institutions: the City Council of Villarrubia de los Ojos, the Provincial Council of Ciudad Real, the Municipal Sports Area of ​​Tomelloso and the City Council.

The most emotional moment of the Gala occurred when Eugenio’s family took the stage, accompanied by authorities and judo teachers. His widow emotionally thanked the great support and affection that the attendees gave Eugenio. But there was still an important announcement for the end: the granting of the Silver Medal for Sports Merit by the Royal Spanish Judo Federation to Eugenio Benito. The gala concluded with a group of musicians performing songs from the soundtrack of La Misión, among the musicians, there was a son of Eugenio.


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