The Battle of Gaul was swallowed up by Slavia. I was impulsive, I don’t know myself like that, he laughed

The Battle of Gaul was swallowed up by Slavia.  I was impulsive, I don’t know myself like that, he laughed

“Even a draw can have value. We played weak, but the team left everything on the field. Uh … I have to snort a little, because the performance of the team and the atmosphere at the stadium completely engulfed me. I was impulsive and I don’t know myself that way at all. Even though I don’t even know who I am, because I’m just a beginning coach, “Baník coach Tomáš Galásek smiled.

His team collected very early. After the loss of Šimon Falta, the ex-teamman Yira Sor fled the defense and in the 5th minute he cleaned the ball to the left post. “We knew Sor would be in danger. When he runs, it’s hard to catch. He took advantage of the losses and solved it very well and promptly. He deserved the goal for such a solution, “Galásek praised his opponent surprisingly.

He didn’t blame Falt. “First of all, I would like to say to Faltič that I appreciate that he took my advice to heart. It was that a player could make a mistake, but he must not make a mistake and then hide the rest of the match. And that’s exactly how he behaved. He was not afraid to play, even though he played after a long time. I had such a scratch in my stomach that, as a former Pilsen player, he could have more motivation against Slavia. He managed it well, “Galásek explained.

Photo: Jaroslav Ožana, ČTK

Match of the 4th round of the superstructure of the first football league, group for the title: Baník Ostrava – Slavia Prague, May 11, 2022, Ostrava. Baník Ostrava players rejoice in the first goal.Photo: Jaroslav OžanaČTK

The draw was more significant for the visiting team, which lost hope in Ostrava to defend the championship title. He won the round before the end of the Pilsen competition by winning in Hradec Králové.

“We were not interested in this fight. We definitely didn’t go into the match with the idea that we could take Slavia a chance for a title or something like that. We wanted to say goodbye to the fans, who are probably annoyed that we won’t play cups again. We don’t care who will have or will not have a title, “Baník’s goalkeeper Jan Laštůvka pointed out that there will be no extra satisfaction in Ostrava this season either.

Touched and proud Michal Bílek. The fact that we surpassed Slavia and Sparta is a huge honor for usVideo:

“Some matches, I mean especially the home ones against Teplice and Karviná, we did not manage and it cost us the opportunity to play for cups. And unfortunately we can’t do it outside at all. We wanted to reach the cup, but maybe fifth place is the current maximum. Anyway, it’s a lesson, and we should all wonder if we have more or less. Because fans want more and we should want too, “Laštůvka emphasized.


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