Teoscar Hernandez and Hyun-Jin Ryu: soon matches in the minors?

At the moment, Teoscar Hernandez (sides) and Hyun-Jin Ryu (left forearm) are injured. They are two important pieces of the club.

When will they be back? Good question. We know they progress to the point where the pitcher can throw to Danny Jansen (also injured) with Teo trying to hit.

We already knew the outfielder was aiming for a comeback against the Cleveland Guardians next weekend, but we thought it could be done without a rehab stint in the AAA. Plans, however, appear to have changed.

He could join the Buffalo Bisons next week before joining the Jays in Ohio. It’s in the plans.

We don’t know when Dany Jansen will return to action, but we do know that Ryu pitched three innings today. It seems to be progressing.

The next step for him seems to be a start in the minors, probably for the Buffalo Bisons too.

Maybe he could come back around the same time as Teoscar, who knows?

Their return will be good, both for the rotation and for the alignment of the batters, in order to get the club’s #4 batter back.

  • Tayler Saucedo is injured and Bowden Francis is back in town.


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