Still controversy after the breaking of the scoreboard that sanctioned the defeat for the Dragons

Wednesday evening was still bitter for Prato Dragons basketball, which saw them lose at the table when a piece of the home gym basket gave way in the Playoffs Match 2 against Montecatini.

The Prato Dragons basketball two days after the defeat at the table still thinks back to that basket that sanctioned their defeat at the table.
So on the official team page they wrote:

A few more clarifications. It is useless to argue about who is to blame for a fact that, as already mentioned, will bring to mind this recent 18 May 2022, one of the saddest pages of Pallacanestro 2000 Prato. Unfortunately it is not just a problem of the impossibility of keeping all the equipment for changing the crystal that is part of the backboard of a basket inside an old school gym, because even if there had been this equipment, as ascertained this morning in the inspection of the technicians who intervened for the substitution, the race could not have been played in the same way. The shattering of the crystal depended on the breakage of the metal structure that supports the basket and the crystal (SEE PHOTO). Even if the club had managed to replace the crystal, the new one would have broken at the first ascent.
Unfortunately this structure, the only gym approved for the C Gold competition, is now more than 40 years old !!!
At this point, those in charge must decide what they want to do with sport in Prato because the managers (volunteers, let’s not forget it!) Of the over 200 city societies, are no longer satisfied with the medal and the pat on the back, they WANT EQUAL DIGNITY with other activities such as volunteering, culture, etc. because they think they deserve it for their commitment and for the conviction of the social value of sport, especially the basic one, in the healthy physical and behavioral growth of young people. Aid to the productive and tourist activities of the city is also important. And what about the refreshment to the more than 2000 young instructors, who, contenting themselves with a very small reimbursement, still give relief to families, relieving them as they say in Prato, “for their vices”.
At this point the Administration must really decide what it wants to invest in what I think is a heritage that few other cities have and that it would be shameful to waste!


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