Shortly before fleeing Tuscany – Putin’s swanky yacht confiscated in Italy! – Politics abroad

Shortly before fleeing Tuscany – Putin’s swanky yacht confiscated in Italy!  – Politics abroad

With a length of 147 meters, the “Scheherazade” is one of the largest private yachts in the world! It has two helipads, four radar systems, a swimming pool, a cinema – and no longer has an owner!

In a colossal coup, the Italian financial police confiscated the ostentatious Scheherazade docked in Tuscany. Experts are certain: behind clever disguise, the ship (value: 650 million euros) belongs to the Kremlin despot and warmonger Wladimir Putin (69)!

Explosive: Apparently the strike against Russia’s president succeeded shortly before the ship was set to sea…



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The Guardia di Finanza arrested the shipPhoto: FEDERICO SCOPPA / AFP

► The Kremlin barge (completed in 2020 in the Lürssen shipyard in Bremen) had come to Italy for maintenance work in the port of Marina di Carrara. He sent his last signal on March 2 at 5:46 p.m. from the dock of the luxury yacht company “Italian Sea Group”. The Cayman Islands-flagged yacht has long been a thorn in the side of Italian authorities.

But the “Italian Sea Group” always denied any connection to Putin. The “Beilor Asset Ltd.” is officially registered as the owner on the Marshall Islands. According to Italian media, Eduard Khudainatov, the ex-head of the Russian state-owned company Rosneft, is registered as the owner.

<img class="photo ondemand zoomable" src=",w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" width="1280" alt="Kreml-Despot Wladimir Putin: Sein Vermögen wird auf 200 Milliarden Dollar geschätzt" data-zoom-title="Kreml-Despot Wladimir Putin

Photo: AFP

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Kremlin-Despot Vladimir PutinPhoto: AFP


For the team of Russian anti-corruption journalists (FBK) founded by Putin’s nemesis, the opposition leader Alexei Navalny (45), there is no doubt that the yacht belongs to Putin.

The journalist Maria Pevchikh (34) had already warned on Thursday that the ship could soon set sail in waters that are well-disposed towards the Kremlin.

► As evidence, she and her colleagues revealed weeks ago that the approximately 70 Russian crew members of the “Scheherazade” are directly connected to Putin and his protection service FSO. The main task of the FSO is the security of the Russian President and the Russian government. The “New York Times” also reported on this, citing American secret service documents.

► In March, BILD reporters were on the ship when fishermen told them that the yacht “belongs to Putin”.

In an official statement, the government in Rome remained vague at first despite the ample evidence, attributing the ship to someone with ties to “prominent elements of the Russian government” and other people on the EU sanctions list.

<img class="photo ondemand zoomable" src=",w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" width="1280" alt="Putins Protz-Jacht ist schon seit Wochen in der Marina di Carrara (Italien) angedockt" data-zoom-title="Putins Protz-Jacht ist schon seit Wochen in der Marina di Carrara (Italien) angedockt


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Putin’s swanky yacht has been docked in the Marina di Carrara (Italy) for weeksPhoto: FEDERICO SCOPPA / AFP

Crew members hastily loaded the ship

Apparently, Italy’s finance minister, Daniele Franco, anticipated the departure of the “Scheherazade” and a possible escape from Italian territory with his decision to confiscate it.

<img class="photo ondemand zoomable" src=",w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" width="1280" alt="Italiens Finanzminister Daniele Franco (68)" data-zoom-title="Italiens Finanzminister Daniele Franco (68)

Photo: Riccardo Antimiani / AP

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Italy’s Finance Minister Daniele Franco (68)Photo: Riccardo Antimiani / AP

The New York Times reported that the yacht was launched Tuesday after months in dry dock. Crew members were seen rushing to load the ship, and the yacht was refueled the previous week.

Pictures from inside the “Scheherazade”

<img class="photo ondemand zoomable" src=",w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" width="1280" alt="Feinste Möbel und ein Flügel gehören zum Inventar" data-zoom-title="Feinste Möbel und ein Flügel gehören zum Inventar

Foto: ddp/News Licensing

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The finest furniture and a grand piano are part of the inventoryFoto: ddp/News Licensing

<img class="photo ondemand zoomable" src="–putin-ist-b-e02acb7ce8124358aae9bc639e024808-80005254/7,w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" width="1280" alt="Selbstverliebte Deko: Im schiffseigenen Fitnessstudio hängt das Bild eines Judo-Anzugs – Putin ist begeisterter Judoka und Träger des schwarzen Gürtels" data-zoom-title="Im schiffseigenen Fitnessstudio hängt das Bild eines Judo-Anzugs – Putin ist begeisterter Judoka und Träger des schwarzen Gürtels

Foto: ddp/News Licensing

” data-zoom-src=” selbstverliebte-deko-im-schiffsproper-fitnessstudio-haengt-das-bild-einer-judo-trachten–putin-ist-b-e02acb7ce8124358aae9bc639e024808 -80005254/image/7.image.jpg”/>

A picture of a judo suit hangs in the ship’s fitness studio – Putin is a keen judoka and has a black beltFoto: ddp/News Licensing

<img class="photo ondemand zoomable" src="–und-finden-sich-sogar-auf-dem-31b7c22573434ca18337842b2bf7c4ad-80005252/7,w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" width="1280" alt="Italienischer Marmor und Gold gehören zu Putins Lieblingsmaterialien – und finden sich sogar auf dem Klo" data-zoom-title="Italienischer Marmor und Gold gehören zu Putins Lieblingsmaterialien – und finden sich sogar auf dem Klo

Foto: ddp/News Licensing

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Italian marble and gold are among Putin’s favorite materials – and you can even find them on the toiletFoto: ddp/News Licensing

<img class="photo ondemand zoomable" src=",w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" width="1280" alt="Schampuskühler, Feuerstelle, großzügiger Loungebereich mit Meerblick: So reist der Kreml-Diktator (gemunkeltes Privatvermögen: 200 Milliarden Dollar) mit bis zu 40 Gästen" data-zoom-title="Schampuskühler, Feuerstelle, großzügiger Loungebereich mit Meerblick: So reist der Kreml-Diktator mit bis zu 40 Gästen

Foto: ddp/News Licensing

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Champagne cooler, fireplace, spacious lounge area with sea view: This is how the Kremlin dictator travels with up to 40 guestsFoto: ddp/News Licensing

<img class="photo ondemand zoomable" src=",w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" width="1280" alt="Die Jacht bietet opulente Esszimmer (bestuhlt für 18 Personen) sowohl auf Deck zwei („Main Deck“) als auch auf Deck drei („Upper Deck“)" data-zoom-title="Die Jacht bietet opulente Esszimmer (bestuhlt für 18 Personen) sowohl auf Deck zwei („Main Deck“) als auch auf Deck drei („Upper Deck“)

Foto: ddp/News Licensing

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The yacht offers opulent dining rooms (seating for 18 people) on both deck two (“Main Deck”) and deck three (“Upper Deck”)Foto: ddp/News Licensing

<img class="photo ondemand zoomable" src="–der-boden-des-pools-kann-ea6f2c2567ce46c28a6a11f11be93782-80005202/7,w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" width="1280" alt="Der Gipfel der Dekadenz: Dieser Pool befindet sich im Inneren des Schiffs – der Boden des Pools kann auch als Tanzfläche hochgefahren werden" data-zoom-title="Der Gipfel der Dekadenz: Dieser Pool befindet sich im Inneren des Schiffs – der Boden des Pools kann auch als Tanzfläche hochgefahren werden

Foto: ddp/News Licensing

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The height of decadence: This pool is located inside the ship – the bottom of the pool can also be raised as a dance floorFoto: ddp/News Licensing


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