Sandro Dell’Agnello is no longer the coach of Pallacanestro Forlì «

The relationship with coach Sandro Dell’Agnello will not continue into the 2022/2023 season. Basketball 2.015 in a press release thanks Sandro for the work done in recent years and for the seriousness and professionalism shown, aspects that have contributed to an overall growth of the company. With him at the helm, for the first time in its history, Basketball 2.015 reached the Serie A2 “Italian Cup Final Eights” (2020, 2021), won the Regular Season 2020/2021 and was second in the standings in the season 2019/2020 before the interruption of the championships. In addition to this, the final of “Super Cup 2020” was played and, more generally, the technical and professional growth of several players he has trained over the years should not be forgotten. And, as personal awards, the recognition of having been nominated best coach of the “Round Trip” in the 2020/2021 season, in the award established by LNP.

Thanks from the president Giancarlo Nicosanti: “How can this happen, good stories have a beginning and an end; but those we have lived have been three important years for the young history of our club, and we have been lucky enough to share an evident path of growth with a great coach like Sandro Dell’Agnello. In recent years we have won a regular season and we were second at the time of the suspension of the championships in 2019/2020; in the last season, we weren’t lucky in many circumstances, but also the last matches against an excellent team like Cantù, showed the goodness of the work done in recent years. Personally, I want to thank Sandro for all that he has given and transmitted to us because he, in addition to being a great coach, is a person of value to whom my recognition goes.”.

The greeting of Sandro Dell’Agnello: “It is impossible to collect in a few lines what I am feeling at the moment and what these three years of mine have been in Forlì. I leave Pallacanestro Forlì 2.015 taking with me an important work and human experience. The path taken together has already been mentioned by the president. What I want to add is that I gave my all for this shirt, which involved me totally from day one. The human relationships built over time with the Foundation, the president Nicosanti, the GM Pasquali, the staff, all the players and all the people from Forlì who have always supported me will remain with me. Thank you all”.


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