Rugby Pro D2 – It was Bourg en Braise!

The Bressans won 34-13 with the offensive bonus against Colomiers and offer themselves a final Thursday, May 12 at 8:45 p.m. Grenoble. At the same time, Rouen beat Béziers 26-21. The maintenance will therefore be decided on the last day.

It was a finals atmosphere this Friday evening, and it had been a long time since Verchère had roared like this. The Bressan people mobilized for this capital meeting and made no mistake about it because the XXL challenge did not inhibit Fabrice Estebanez’s troops. The Violets are stepping into the game. Logically, the USBPA opened the scoring following an offside defense from Haut-Garonne thanks to a penalty from Olender (3-0, 6th). Colomiers reacts from the dismissal and equalizes in the 10th minute by Séguy from 15 meters against the poles.

Two minutes later, the dove opener has the opportunity to double the bet. But from 50 meters, his kick goes to the left of the poles. This first failure calls for another in the 16th: the ball carried by Colomiers is illegally stopped by the Bressan pack but, from 22 meters, Séguy does not set the sights. After this weak time, Bourg sets out again to board. Hingano sounds the charge, Anga follows suit and Colomiers is offside. Olender rewards this highlight with a penalty from 28 meters in the 18th minute (6-3).

Santallier launches the USBPA

But be careful, the columérine attacks are lively and on a flash from Rokodugni, Erasmus scratches a very hot ball 10 meters from the Bressan in-goal. Shortly before the half-hour mark, a long play at the foot of Méliande put the Colomiers rearguard under pressure. In the in-goal, Badet against the clearance of Séguy and Santallier throws himself on the ball and flattens in a corner. Olender continues his faultless and transforms (13-3).

In the 35th, Javaux, freshly entered, takes over from Séguy on a penalty sanctioning a voluntary forward from Olender… But without more success: from 43 meters his kick goes to the right of the poles. Two minutes later, Bourg has the opportunity to consolidate his break, but from 50 meters Méliande just misses the target. With great courage, the Violets did not concede any points on the last weak time before the break and returned to the locker room with a 10-point lead (13-3).

Colomiers close to returning

From the 45th minute, Méliande takes a penalty from 48 meters in a corner which hits the post. In the process, the Columérins choose the penaltouch and flatten by Saaidia. As Javaux transforms, here are the Toulouse commuters again glued to the Basques of the Burgiens (13-10) in the 48th. The Bressans forwards responded tit for tat and scored on a ball carried by Veyret less than 2 minutes later. Olender continues his 100% and Bourg takes his distance in the 50th (20-10).

The USBPA does not loosen the embrace and Colomiers is close to breaking. Worse, Deysel receives a yellow card but the Violets fail to materialize. On the contrary, on one of the rare incursions of Colomiers in the Bressan camp, Javaux adds 3 points for his team (20-13). In the 70th, Olender, from 22 meters, experienced his only failure of the evening, but doubt was not in the Bressan vocabulary tonight.

A surreal money time

5 minutes from the end, Antonescu, freshly entered, tears away in the axis and sprints flattened at the foot of the poles. At the same time in Rouen, Béziers is close to the hold-up (26-21 for Rouen)! But it is in Verchère that we ignite. Tonight is “Bourg en Braise” and as the siren sounded, the latest action bounces from one camp to another. After Antonescu, other former columérins distinguished themselves. Graulle intercepts on his 22 meters, Poet connects, Bordenave sprints and in an indescribable atmosphere, Hingano flattens the test of the offensive bonus. The whole stadium is on their feet and cheering as Olender converts. Nobody hears the final whistle ringing as this 34-13 success ignites the public who are already planning on Thursday evening for the “final” for the maintenance against Grenoble. The Stade des Alpes should be purple!

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Technical sheet

Marcel-Verchere Stadium

7145 spectators

29th day of Pro D2

USBPA 34-13 Colomiers Rugby (Halftime: 13-3)

Friday, May 6 at 7:30 p.m.

Mild-wind temperature


USBPA : 1 Kapanadze (Bordenave 66th) — 2 Anga’Aelangi (Jullien 53) — 3 Harmse (De Clercq 62nd) — 4 Veyret (Antonescu 71st) — 5 Roth — 6 Benoît — 7 Darlet (Flowers 60th) — 8 Baradel (cap) — 9 Faure (Graulle 24th) — 10 Olender — 11 Santallier — 12 Hingano — 13 Badet (Doy 75th) — 14 Erasmus — 15 Méliande (Poet 11th — Méliande 24th puis Poet 75th)

16 Julien — 17 Bordenave — 18 Flowers — 19 Antonescu — 20 Graulle — 21Poet — 22 Doy — 23 De Clercq

Staff : Estebanez – Taverna – Lalarme

Colomiers Rugby : 1 Djehi (Tartas 58e) – 2 Saaidia (Rybak 65e) – 3 Pirlet (Léon 58e) – 4 Thomas – 5 Granouillet (Chartier 49e) – 6 Coletta (cap) – 7 Lescure (49e) – 8 Dastugue – 9 Seguela (Galthié 58e) – 10 Seguy – 11 Moro – 12 Deysel – 13 Campagnaro – 14 Rokoduguni (Perrin 22e – 15 Saurs (Javaux 30e)

16 Rybak — 17 Tartas — 18 Chartier — 19 Château — 20 Perrin — 21 Galthié — 22 Javaux — 23 Léon

Staff : Berneau Sarraute

Referee: M. Marbot


USBPA : 2 Penalties: Olender (6th — 18th) — 4 Tries: Santallier (28th) – Veyret (50th) — Antonescu (75th) — Hingano (82nd) ​​— 4 Conversions: Olender (28th — 50th -75th – 82nd)

Colomiers Rugby : 2 Penalties: Séguy (9th) — Javaux (65th) — 1 Try: Saaidia (48th) — 1 Conversion: Javaux (48th)


Colomiers: Yellow: Deysel (58th)


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